Saturday, June 25, 2011

Diet after delivery

Post pregnancy diet is a key to maintain a healthy living for the mother, so that she is able to take care of herself and also is able to feed her young one. During pregnancy a woman’s body changes a lot. Now soon after pregnancy there are a plenty of things we want to come back to like before pregnancy; one of it is weight and having dealing with fatigue.

All most all dieticians agree in saying that after pregnancy a mother should not concentrate on weight loss and must eat healthy diet to regain strength for at least 3 months.

Few problems that arise due to not eating proper healthy diet after pregnancy are hair loss, stretch marks, osteoporosis and changes in the shape of the breasts.

Here are some tips on health and diet to be followed for the first three months of post pregnancy period:

• Your body needs time to recover, so take proper rest along with healthy diet.

• Simple exercise like walking helps to increase the metabolism and there by appetite.

• Have food rich in protein, vitamin and mineral.

• Do not heed to the myths linked to breast-feeding; like having excess fatty foods leads to good breast milk production etc.

• Eat foods that are easy to digest. This can include fresh fruit, boiled vegetables, yogurt with raisins, cereal, etc.

• Diet to relieve from constipation includes high fiber diet like bran muffins, high-fiber cereals, and lots of fruits and vegetables are good fiber choices.

• Have adequate fluid intake along with the increase in your fiber intake. Fluid intake cannot be measured in day-to-day life but it is best to have good amount of fluid intake if you breast-feed.

• Diet that can help to restore the iron content in body include taking Vitamin C rich foods like citrus fruits, tomato, broccoli that can help absorb the iron supplements.

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