Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Seven Ways to Relieve Pain Without Medication

Pain is a symptom often experienced by anyone.
You do not need to panic because the cause of pain may not be something dangerous. Form of pain can vary, can be attacked in different places and represent a variety of health problems.

Here are some ways to relieve and eliminate pain. This method is an alternative that can be done if you do not want to take medications for pain:

1. Fill your need for vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency could be the cause of chronic muscle pain. Fish and morning sun is the largest source for this vitamin. The average person needs about 200 IU vitamin D per day, but for those aged 50 to 70 years increased the need for vitamin D to 400 IU per day. For those who have tread the age of 70, needs vitamin D to 500 IU.

A study at the University of Minnesota found that 93 percent of the total respondents who experienced a non-specific musculoskeletal pain, suffer from a lack of vitamin D. The supplementation of vitamin D to patients able to relieve muscle pain that arises. The study investigators also concluded that those who have non-specific musculoskeletal pain, constantly, need to undergo screening for the deficiency of vitamin D.

2. Inhaling aroma of green apples

Research carried out the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, USA, instruct the participants - who at the same time being migraine pain - to sniff the smell test tube containing a green apple. The results showed that the condition of those who inhale the smell of green apples is improved compared with those who do not inhale the smell of green apples. The researchers assume, given by the scent of green apple is able to compensate for the muscle contractions that occur in the head and neck, thus providing a sense of relief in the head. In previous studies, the smell of green apples are also found to be against anxiety.

3. Meditating

The effectiveness of meditation in relieving pain without the side effects have been revealed in several studies. The experts in this field think, meditate for about one hour can help relieve pain. Research also shows that meditation can improve brain activity in areas such as the anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula, and orbito-frontal cortex. These three areas are part of the brain in charge of mapping the various forms of pain received by the brain from the nerve signals to various parts of the body.

4. Balneotherapy

Balneotherapy is not stranger things
because it has been practiced since ancient times. The term "balneo" comes from the Latin word "balneum" which means bath. Balneotherapy is a kind of hydrotherapy, where the treatment is done by using a mineral water bath or hot water. Mineral water, which is used is formed of magnesium sulfate or Epsom salts, is capable of flexing muscles. Both magnesium and sulfate, a mineral that is easily absorbed by the skin, and studies have shown that the amount of magnesium in the body will increase after a shower using plenty of water containing Epsom salt. In addition, balneotherapy can also increase blood circulation and relieve inflammation.

5. Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic therapy is a method of minimal risk that use magnetic fields for therapeutic purposes (treatment). This therapy can stimulate the healing process and affect the quality of sleep in a positive way. Researchers from the University of Virginia showed that the magnetic field strength is being able to help reduce swelling if applied immediately after injury. Swelling is basically caused by the dilation of blood vessels and magnets are believed capable of restricting blood flow to the injured area.

6. Chromotherapy

Chromotherapy is a kind of other natural therapies that effectively relieve pain by using color. Those who believe and support the chromotherapy argues that the origins of various diseases or health conditions can be mapped by looking at the lack of a specific color in the human body system. The way it works is to emit a color to the body to help fight health imbalances, and the color blue is believed to be able to effect a fresh, relaxed, and soothing and can be used to relieve pain.

7. Breathing techniques

Relaxation by drawing deep breaths can help relieve headaches, back pain, joint pain, and pain caused by cancer yagn.Breathing techniques can be used to relieve the mind so that the body aches can be reduced, this can occur by considering the relationship between mind and body. This technique is capable of incorporating elements such as body awareness, breathing, movement, and meditation in one stream. Even more encouraging, in addition to easy and can be done anywhere, this therapy does not cost anything.

The trick, breathe for a count of four, try to fill your lungs with air from below to above by pushing your stomach, then followed until it reaches the bottom of the rib cage and finally make sure your chest is full of witchcraft air, hold for three seconds, then exhale.Breathing can distract you from the pain.

Some pain will come and go, and some tend not to go away. If it happens (the pain would not go away), that means you need to get treatment against pain.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Knowledge Base : Surgical Procedures : Angioplasty

Angioplasty is the technique of mechanically widening a narrowed or obstructed blood vessel; typically as a result of atherosclerosis. Tightly folded balloons are passed into the narrowed locations and then inflated to a fixed size using water pressures some 75 to 500 times normal blood pressure (6 to 20 atmospheres).Angioplasty has come to include all manner of vascular interventions typically performed in a minimally invasive or percutaneous method.

Source :- Click Here

Health Tips : Daily Health Tips From Experts

» Eating low-carbohydrate diet is the best way of reduce extra fat from our tummy.

» Take a pinch of pepper power and quarter teaspoon of salt use this mixture daily. It prevents tooth ache, bleeding from gums and foul breathing.

» Include fibre in your diet. It helps in internal purification and expels toxins from the body, fibre is found abundant in fruits, vegetables and grains.

» Drink lemon tea add honey in it for taste. It gives relief from abdominal pain.

» Dry hair and rough hair cause by too much exposure to sun. So, try to use hat or umbrella to protect your hair

Glamour : Stem Cell Facial

Stem Cell Skin facial Therapy uses cells taken from pregnant cows in the eighth month of pregnancy. The cells are drawn in such a way neither the cow nor the calf is harmed, and the cow's body replaces the drawn fluid in few hours. In lab the cells are purified and sterilized serum is stored in bottles.

At a medical spa licensed clinicians, under the supervision of a medical expert treat facial skin with the stem cell mixture under sterile conditions. The workers are advised to use sterile gloves and masks to maintain aseptic condition and using a pipette it is transferred to the face. The liquid containing the stem cells is spread over the face until it is absorbed, and then a spray is applied often to keep the liquid in place until it can be absorbed into the upper layers of skin. Stem Cell Skin

Therapy can be used in two ways: to firm or to hydrate. If a patient has deep creases, hydrating first so that the cells will better hold the stem cell solution for later tightening and firming. The effects of the treatment peak about six days following the application.

Source :- Click Here

Food Recipes : Achari Paneer


1 cup Paneer (cottage cheese), cubed
1 tsp Fennel Seeds (saunf)
¼ tsp Mustard Seeds
5 to 6 Fenugreek Seeds (methi)
1 tsp Onion Seeds (kalonji)
½ tsp Cumin Seeds (jeera)
½ tsp Asafetida (hing)
1 Onion, sliced
½ tsp Turmeric Powder (haldi)
½ tsp Chili Powder
½ tsp Black Salt (sanchal)
¾ cup Curd
1 tsp Plain Flour (maida)
3 tbsp Coriander, chopped
1 tbsp Oil
Salt to taste

Preparation Time
  • Take a small bowl and mix the fennel seeds, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, onion seeds, cumin seeds and asafetida.
  • Heat oil in a pan and add the seeds mixture.
  • When the seeds start crackling, add onion and sauté till it turns translucent.
  • Add the paneer, turmeric powder, chili powder, black salt and stir fry for sometime.
  • Add in the curd and sprinkle the plain flour. Mix the preparation well.
  • Sprinkle coriander and salt and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Remove from heat and serve hot, with rice or rotis.
Source :- Click Here

Health Tips : Anemia

» Beetroot are also rich in iron and various other minerals.so,person who is suffering anemia should include it in his diet to treat anemia.

» Leafy vegetables contains high grade iron it helps in formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

» Apple contain high amount of iron eat one apple every day it is effective remedy for anemia.

» Eat organic meat like liver and kidney to treat anemia.

» Cold water bath is also helps in curing anemia. A person with anemia must have at least two cold water baths a day.

Alu Kabli, Food Recipes

300 gm Potatoes (boiled, peeled)
100 gm Black grams (soaked, boiled)
4-6 tbsp Lime juice
2 tbsp Chopped coriander leaves
1/2 to1 tsp Chilli powder
Salt to taste

  • Cut the boiled potatoes into thick slices or 1/2 inch cubes.
  • Allow to cool the potatoes thoroughly before tossing in all other ingredients.
  • Do not break up the potato pieces.
  • Alu Kabli is ready, serve cold.

Diet : Therapeutic Diets : Low Protein diet

Protein is an essential nutrient. Protein contains 16% of Nitrogen, the body eliminates urea in the form of urine. A healthy body weight of 60 kgs needs around 60 gms of protein per day. A low protein diet is a diet in which the intake of protein is reduced. Low protein diet is prescribed for patients with liver or kidney disease, in order to lessen the protein load on the kidney or liver.

Low protein diet and liver disease:

Proteins are metabolized by liver and digested, then ammonia produced is converted to urea a waste product and excreted out. In liver damage proteins are not metabolized properly and a nitrogen metabolite ammonia builds up in the blood stream and this may result in liver diseases or hepatic encephalopathy. But proteins should not be eliminated completely from the diet. Hence include low protein diet in liver diseases.

Low protein diet and kidney disease:

When kidneys are not functioning properly a low protein diet is prescribed. In case of impaired kidney function the metabolite urea builds up in the blood and is not excreted outside and this affects kidney.As to decrease load on kidneys a low protein diet is prescribed.

Low protein diet and tyrosinemia:

Tyrosinemia is a inborn error of metabolism. The body cannot effectively breakdown the amino acid tyrosine. Hence there is increase in concentration of tyrosine in blood. A low protein diet is required in management of tyrosinemia.

Low protein foods:

Bread, oatmeal, apple, banana, cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes, corn, pie, mixed grain, cereals, cheese, lettuce, rice, pasta.

Source :- Click Here

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nestle is asking all consumers to return BANANA BABY FOOD expiring in 2012

IMPORTANT ALERT: Gerber is asking everyone to return all banana baby food expiring 2012; they may contain pieces of glass. Please copy and paste for all moms and babies safety..bar code 7613033089 73

Nestle is asking for all consumersto return banana baby food expiring in 2012 as it may contain Glass

Please forward every one for the safety of babies. Bar code 7613033089 73. Even if you are not a parent, please help forward the message. You can save a child

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dental Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis

Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (ANUG) is an oral infection that is characterized by necrosis of gingiva. Ulcers of oral mucosa also occur in patients with severe nutritional deficiencies.

Clinical manifestations of ANUG:

• Sudden pain, tenderness, profuse salivation, a peculiar metallic taste and spontaneous bleeding from the gingival tissues.

• Patient commonly experiences loss of sense of taste.

• Ulcers develop most commonly on the interdental papillae and the marginal gingivae.


At the initial visit the gingivae should be debrided with both irrigation and periodontal curettage. The extent of debridement depends on the soreness of the gingivae. Antibiotics are usually not necessary for routine cases of ANUG. These cases can be successfully treated by debridement, irrigation and curettage.

Source :- Click Here

Diabetes and Dental Hygiene

What are the dental problems Diabetic patient experiences ?

• Decrease in salivary flow.

• Burning mouth or tongue.

• Dry mouth also may develop, causing an increased incidence of decay.

• Gum recession has been found to occur more frequently and more extensively in moderate-and poorly-controlled diabetic patients because plaque responds differently, creating more harmful proteins in the gums.

• Diabetics tend to lose collagen, a protein that supports gums, skin, tendon cartilage, and bone, in their gum tissue thus hastening periodontal destruction.

• The diabetics had more plaque on their teeth and experienced more bleeding of their gums when being examined.

The first signs are red, sore, and bleeding gums. This can lead to periodontitis, which is an infection in the gums and the bone that holds the teeth in place. Pockets form between the teeth, which fill with germs and pus. If not treated and the infection gets worse, your gums may pull away from your teeth, making the teeth look very long, and your teeth will loosen.

What is the best time to receive dental care?

• If your blood sugar is not under control, talk with both your dentist and physician about receiving elective dental care.

• Dental procedures should be as short and as stress free as possible.

• Make morning appointments because blood glucose levels tend to be under better control at this time of day.

• If you have a scheduled appointment, eat and take your medications as directed.

• Test your blood sugar level and take your blood pressure and bring these results with you to our office.

• Be prepared to update your health/dental history at each visit so we can provide you with the best possible care for your condition.

• See your doctor before scheduling treatment for periodontal disease. Have your doctor send your dentist records on your overall medical condition BEFORE treatment starts.

• Postpone non-emergency dental procedures if your blood sugar is not in good control. However, abscesses should be treated right away.

• See your dentist on a regular basis, every 3 to 4 months, for exams and cleanings. Keep him informed of your health status and if you have any problems controlling your blood sugar.

• Know that healing time will take longer due to your diabetic condition.

• Follow your individualized meal plan and learn more about meal planning and diabetes for better blood sugar control.

Source :- Click Here

Glamour : Otoplasty

Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgery to change the appearance of the person’s external ears. Otoplasty can be done for various reasons like

• Bringing the ears closer to the head (ear pinning)

• Reducing the size of very big ears

• Reshaping various bends of the ear cartilage.

Otoplasty surgery involves a combination of moving, reshaping, adding or removing structural ear components. This procedure is usually preformed by either an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, plastic surgeon or an ENT surgeon.

Typically Otoplasty surgery takes about two hours. The dressing over the operated ears can extend for few weeks as protection and the patient can experience mild discomfort. Headbands may be prescribed for night time wears.

Source :- Click Here

Salt as addictive as cigarettes, heroin

“We all know that fish and chips wouldn't be the same without salt.

However, scientists have now claimed that the yearning for salt stimulates the brain like addiction to hard drugs or cigarettes. They found that the craving triggers the same genes, brain cells and brain connections.

The finding could help explain why many find it so hard to cut back on salt, despite warnings about dangers to blood pressure and heart health.

For the study, Australian and American scientists kept some mice on low-salt diets and gave others a salt drip.

Activity in the creatures' brains was then compared with that in mice fed normally. They also studied the brains of mice that had been starved of salt for three days and then given salty water to drink freely.

When the rodents were in need of salt, brain cells made proteins more usually linked to addiction to substances such as heroin, cocaine and nicotine.

In this study we have demonstrated that one classic instinct, the hunger for salt, is providing neural organisation that subserves addiction to opiates and cocaine, the Daily Mail quoted Prof Derek Denton, of the University of Melbourne, as saying.

The study also revealed that after salt was taken, the brain believes it has received its fix well before it should be physically possible.

In other words, the changes caused by salt cravings disappeared well before the salt could have left the gut, entered the blood and got to the brain.

It was amazing to see that the genes that were set off' by the loss of sodium were already beginning to get back to the original state within ten minutes, said Prof Denton.

It is an evolutionary mechanism of high survival value because when an animal is depleted of water or salt it can drink what it needs in five to ten minutes and get out which makes it less susceptible to predators,' he added.

The researchers said that the importance of salt to overall health means that cravings for it form an ancient instinct' deeply embedded in the brain. This may explain why we find salty foods so tasty.

The study appears in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Diet : Fitness and Exercises : Body Mass Index

Body mass index is the ratio of weight to height to estimate body fat. It is advisable to use Body mass index along waist to hip ratio to get complete picture of your weight status. Body mass index is particularly helpful for identifying children and adults at risk of overweight. But it not gives completely accurate information.

The formula for Body mass index is WEIGHT (KG)/HEIGHT (MT2)

Less than 18.5Underweight
18.5 to 24.9Normal weight
25 to 30Over weight
More than 30Obese

Source :- Click Here

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Diet : Nutrition Management : Nutrition and Gout

Gout is also referred to as metabolic arthritis. It is caused by high levels of uric acid in the body. This uric acid forms crystals in the joints and causes pain and inflammation. Later these crystals can also form stones in kidneys. Uric acid in the body comes from both dietary sources and from sources within the body. That is 50% from food you eat and 50% from within the body. Gout can cause painful attacks when you intake of foods are high in purine and also if you drink alcohol.

A diet should provide at least 50% of calories from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates you choose should be high complex carbohydrates. Limit refined carbohydrates. Fructose intake should be minimized, which is mostly present in processed foods. Atleast 3 servings of carbohydrate rich foods per day.

Fats: A diet should provide 30% or less than 30% of calories from fat. Omega 3 fatty acids can be useful in treatment of Gout. A metabolite which is produced by omega 3 fatty acid is Eicosapentaenoic acid its has anti-inflammatory effects. EPA inhibits production of the inflammatory leukotrienes, which are responsible for much of the inflammation and tissue damage caused by gout. Avoid high fat foods. Eat sweets in moderation.

Protein: Proteins should provide 15% of calories from the diet you eat. The protein sources can be from soy and lean meats etc.

Alcohol: Avoid alcohol .It increases uric acid production and it decreases uric acid excretion.

Folic acid: Folate inhibits the enzyme xanthine oxidase. Xanthine oxidase is an enzyme which converts xanthine to uric acid.

Fruits: Eat 2- 3 servings of fruits daily.

Vegetables: Eat 3 servings of vegetables daily.

Meat, fish and eggs: Eat no meat of any kind, including organ meats As meat contains high amount of uric acid.. Avoid shell fish. Better to eat 1 to 2 servings of fish per week. 1 to 3 servings of egg is good.

Purine: Avoid purine rich foods. Purines are organic compounds that contribute to uric acid formation.

Source :- Click Here

Glamour : Aromatherapy Facial

Aromatherapy facial uses pure essential oils from medicinal plants. It enhances general well-being, gives deep relaxation and alleviates aches, pains and tension. The essential oils enter the body through the skin and via the nasal membranes in order to produce many beneficial effects. As a result of this treatment the skin feels refreshed and looks bright and more youthful. Some common skin problems such as oily skin, acne, eczema and dry skin can be helped by aromatherapy facial care. Some of the other benefits of aromatherapy are as follows:

• Relaxes the mind and relieves stress.

• Prevents the harmful effects of tension.

• Relaxes muscles and painful joints.

• Refreshes both mind and body.

• Best method to promote relaxation for busy individuals.

• Helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

• Keeps skin look fresh and radiant.

Source :- Click Here

Glamour : Hyaluronic acid therapy

Hyaluronic acid therapy is a cosmetic surgery technique that is used for the facial augmentation. The therapy involves injection of the hyaluronic acid through the needle in the face, to mask or remove the facial flaws.

Hyaluronic acid is compatible and well tolerated by the human body because this substance is found in every living being. In the hum

an body, hyaluronic acid is concerned with the task of acting as a network to transfer essential nutrients from the blood stream to the skin cells. Therefore, injection of hyaluronic acid for cosmetic treatment does not involve any allergic reaction test for the patient. Apart from its use in cosmetic treatment, hyaluronic acid is also injected in the body joints to get relieve from rheumatism and other kinds of joint pains.

Hyaluronic acid is a gel like substance that occupies the place between the skin and the connective tissues surrounding the skin. After injection, it acts like a cushion to support the facial structures and tissues. It also helps in the hydration of the skin by bringing water to the surface, thus giving it a refreshed and more youthful appearance.

Hyaluronic acid injections are termed dermal fillers by the plastic surgeons. It’s an easy procedure and has many benefits in the facelift approaches. Hyaluronic acid has lots of application in the plastic surgery. Some of the few problems that this biocompatible material can correct are:

• Frown lines between the eyebrows;

• Skin depressions in the jaws or cheeks;

• Redefining the border of the lip;

• Scars caused by burns, acnes or wounds;

• Marriot lines that run from the nose to the corner of the mouth.

One of the greatest advantages of hyaluronic acid treatment is that it has got zero side effects. Hyaluronic acid treatment is suitable for almost all people. It is considered to be an outpatient procedure and often, people return to their normal activity the very same day.

However, it should be remembered that hyaluronic acid treatment is a temporary solution and not a permanent cure to the facial problems. To maintain the youthful charm, people need to take the new hyaluronic injections twice or thrice a year. Often the desired result is not achieved in just one session if hyaluronic injections. On an average, most people need at least thrice visits before they are completely satisfied with the results.

Source :- Click Here

Glamour : Introduction-Personal Care and Self-Grooming

Personal grooming is a matter of individual acceptance but the way of presenting yourself can have significant impact upon your personal as well as professional life. Good personal grooming is necessary to make good personal appearance.


Physical appearance is the first impression and many a times, this first impression is the last impression.”

Personal care and grooming has a direct relation to one’s self-esteem. There are certain basic principles for good grooming and personal hygiene that are mandatory for everyday life and making the right impression on people.

Source :- Click Here

Men’s health : How to Stop Snoring in Men

Snoring is a noise produced when an individual breathes (usually while inhaling) during sleep.

Causes for snoring:

Age: Your throat becomes narrower after you reach middle age and beyond, and the muscle tone in throat also decreases.

The way you’re built: Men have more chances to get narrower air passages than women and are more likely to snore. Some of the conditions which cause snoring are a narrow throat, a cleft palate, enlarged adenoids which can be hereditary.

Nasal and sinus problems: Blocked airways cause breathing difficulty and create a vacuum in the throat leading to snoring.

Overweight: Fatty tissue and poor muscle tone contribute to snoring.

Alcohol, smoking, and medications: Alcohol intake, smoking and certain medications leads to more snoring.

Sleep posture: Sleeping flat on your back causes the flesh of your throat to relax and block the airway.

Remedies to overcome snoring:

Lose weight: weight loss can reduce fatty tissue in the back of the throat and decrease snoring. Follow Healthy Weight Loss tips.

Clear air passages: Having a stuffy nose can cause breathing difficult and creates a vacuum in your throat which results in snoring. You can try nasal decongestants or nasal strips to help you breathe more easily while sleeping.

Quit smoking: smoking increases the chances of snoring. Smoking causes airways to be blocked by irritating the membranes in the nose and throat.

Establish regular sleep patterns: Create regular sleep patterns can promote better sleep and therefore minimize snoring.

Maintain humidification in bed room: Dry air can irritate membranes in the nose and throat.

Reposition: Elevating your head four inches may ease breathing and encourage your tongue and jaw to move forward.

Avoid the following substances to reduce snoring:

Research shows that consumption of certain foods and medicines right before bedtime can make snoring worse.

• Large meals
• Dairy products
• Soymilk
• Alcohol
• Sleeping pills and other relaxants
• Antihistamines
• Caffeine

Exercises to stop snoring:

Following exercises can help you to stop snoring. Start slow and gradually increase the number of sets as you can do every day.

• Repeat each vowel (a-e-i-o-u) out loud for three minutes throughout the day.
• Place the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth. Slide your tongue backwards for 3 minutes a day
• Close your mouth and purse your lips. Hold for 30 seconds.
• Open your mouth, move jaw to the right and hold it for 30 seconds. Repeat on left side
• With mouth open, contract the muscle at the back of your throat repeatedly for 30 seconds.

Medical treatment for snoring:

Consult an ENT doctor when your own efforts are failed. If you are interested to try a dental appliance for snoring, you need to see a dentist.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure: To keep airway open during sleep, a machine blows pressurized air into a mask that you wear over your nose.

Dental appliances, oral devices, and lower jaw-positioners will help to open your airway by bringing your lower jaw or your tongue forward during sleep.

Traditional surgery: Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, Thermal Ablation Palatoplasty, tonsillectomy, and adenoidectomy, increase the size of your airway by surgically removing tissues or correcting abnormalities. Pillar procedure is also an effective surgery in which small plastic implants are inserted into the soft palate.

New developments: Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty and somnoplasty remove parts of the soft palate to reduce snoring using lasers or radiofrequency signals.

Source :- Click Here

Source :- ick He


Men’s health : Hernia

Hernia is often referred to as a 'rupture'. The term hernia is most commonly used to describe to the protrusion of the intestine through a weak area in the abdominal wall. This will cause bulging of the abdominal wall. This bulging increases the pressure in the abdomen.

Types: The types of Hernia relates to its location on the body. These include:

Inguinal Hernias: This type of hernias are more common in men than women because the canal is bigger. These are the common type of hernia. The canal contains the spermatic cord and blood vessels. When an inguinal hernia occurs part of the intestine protrude down the canal and into the scrotum.

Femoral Hernias: This type of hernia is more common in women, femoral hernias occur when part of the intestine protrudes through the femoral canal and protrudes at the top of the thigh.

Umbilical Hernias: An umbilical hernia occurs when the abdominal wall is weakened at the point of umbilical cord. Umbilical hernias are most common in children.

Obtuator Hernias:
The Obtuator hernia occurs when part of the intestine passes through the gap between the bones of the front of the pelvis.

Risk factors of Hernia:

Any person can get hernia from children to old age. Some of the factors which increases the risk of Hernia are:

1. Obesity
2. Previous abdominal surgery or abdominal injury
3. Straining to lift heavy objects
4. Because of constipation straining during bowel movements.
5. A chronic cough, such as smokers cough
6. Male are 12 times more prone to hernia when compared to females

Symptoms: Symptoms of a hernia include pain or discomfort and a localized swelling somewhere on the surface of the abdomen or in the groin area.

Treatment: The best treatment of hernia is by surgical repair. There are no drug treatments for this condition. Surgery gives relief to the pain and swelling. There are no side effects for surgery.

Prevention: Life style modifications can prevent hernias. Regular exercise can prevent hernia. Another important factor is avoid risk factors which is mainly involved in hernia.

Source :- Click Here

Diet : Health Articles : Importance of healthy breakfast

A healthy breakfast is necessary every day. Breakfast is a right way to start the day’s nutrition in right way. Eating regular and healthy breakfast maintains a healthy weight and improves overall health.

But most of the people think that if they skip breakfast they can lose weight, but in fact it is not true. Breakfast means you are breaking the fast after a long night of sleep; eat breakfast like a king is what you should always remember.

You should eat within an hour of getting up. If you skip your breakfast your body metabolism becomes slow. Higher energy levels are maintained if you eat breakfast. Glucose the sole source of energy for brain and the continuous supply of glucose is necessary to improve concentration and memory. If you skip the breakfast this may lead to poor memory and decreases the concentration, low blood sugar levels are maintained. While you skip your breakfast you may have high craving for the food you eat at lunch time and this may lead to weight gain. Instead of skipping its always better to eat in a smaller portion.

It is good to include variety of foods in your breakfast. A healthy breakfast is that which contains variety of foods like cereals, fruits, milk and vegetables. It is always good to include complex carbohydrates or whole grains in your breakfast and this may give u satiety.

Your healthy breakfast boosts your body metabolism. Many types of breakfast items are available according to the region. But a healthy breakfast is the meaning for what good foods we choose to maintain our health.

Source :- Click Here

Oldage : Ageing and Diseases

The relationship between inheritance and longevity is well known. People exposed to environmental toxins, smoking or heavy drinking and those with poor diets are likely to have greater age-related changes taking place in their cells. Life-style factors are therefore important in limiting environmental effects.

Although the changes of ageing happen at cell level they affect every tissue and therefore every organ of the body. Four particular groups of tissue, when affected by age changes, can have major effects on body function because they are involved with all the organs and systems in one way or another are:

• Connective tissue and bone,

• Blood vessels,

• Nervous tissue and

• Immune tissue.

Connective Tissue and Bone

Connective tissue provides the supporting structure for all organs. With age their constituents also alter. Less elastic tissue is laid down and the water content is less which leads to ageing skin wrinkles.

Bone turnover is also altered so that less calcium is incorporated into the bones making them more fragile and thus increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Blood Vessels

Problems with blood vessels and circulation are in part due to the connective tissue that makes up the walls of the vessels, which become less elastic and therefore less efficient carriers of blood. Since the functioning of all tissues is dependent on good blood circulation, any malfunctioning in the blood vessels and blood got widespread effects.

Nervous Tissue

Some decline in nervous system function is due to poor blood supply; however, it is also in part due to ageing effects on the system itself.

According to the research studies, ageing can bring about deterioration in the manufacture of the neurotransmitters, which is required for the conduction and the transmission of the information across the nerve fibers.

One common problem of ageing is poor bladder function. This can be due to inadequate nervous control of the bladder’s detrusor muscle.

Older patients are at increased risk of falls. This all is due to the poor coordination of the different body parts to maintain stability. And this again is due to the improper functioning of the nervous tissue.

The Immune System

White blood cells, which produce the macrophages that counteract the disease producing micro-organisms, are the central component of the immune system and although the number of these cells stays fairly constant throughout old age, the relative proportion of the different types of white cells changes. This makes older people less able to fight off infections and possibly makes them more susceptible to autoimmune and other infectious diseases.

Source :- Click Here

Oldage : Depression among elders

Depression is a medical illness in which a person will experience feelings of sadness, discouragement, and a lack of self-worth. There are a variety of reasons for depression and it is mainly caused due to-

• Changes within the family

• Chronic pain and illness

• Difficulty getting around

• Frustration with memory loss

• Loss of a spouse or close friend

• Trouble adapting to a life change such as moving from a home to a retirement facility

In few cases depression can also be a sign of a medical problem. It may be complicated by brain disorders that occur with age, such as Alzheimer's disease. Depression is also a side effect of many drugs commonly prescribed for the elderly. Depression in the elderly is a widespread problem that is often not diagnosed and frequently undertreated. Many older people will not admit to the signs and symptoms of depression for fear that they will be seen as weak or crazy. Some older people may be aware of their depression, but believe that nothing can be done about it.

Here are some simple tips to fight depression:

• Find time to exercise as exercise helps to release stress. It helps blood circulation and makes you feel better.

• Stay calm, Relax and meditate on something that makes you feel happy.

Get some sun: Vitamin D is very essential for a feel good mood. Therefore an morning walk or an evening stroll will benefit.

Drink water/fluids: Drink plenty of water or fresh juices. This will relive you from tiredness and refreshes the body. Avoid caffeinated drinks as they may accelerate mood

Keep yourself busy: Cultivate reading books, socializing with people, joining a social organization etc. Be occupied and built up your hobbies like cooking, gardening,
painting, sewing etc.

Talk to someone you like: Open up your feelings to someone whom you trust. They will understand your feelings and will help you out.

Avoid spending long time alone: Spend time with your family, friends and children.

• Make new friends if old ones are too busy. Make new changes in life that will keep you ignited. Be positive in your approaches.

Do not underestimate yourself: Do not bother about how you look or what others may think about you. Accept your body as it is. Be affirmative and think positive. Accept the
fact that your body is undergoing some changes and will take time to subside to normal.

Food: Keep a check on your diet. Choose foods that enhance your mood and fights against depression. Stay away from junk foods. Treat yourself with chocolates, ice
creams, fruits, fish, nuts etc.

Get sleep: Try to get sufficient sleep. Sleeplessness may cause the body to lose energy and ends up tired. A good rest will rejuvenate your body, mind and health.

Source :- Click Here

Glamour : Golden Facials

Gold is a softest metal, which is readily absorbed by the skin. Thus, gold facial is primarily preferred for reducing fine lines on the face and to prevent ageing. Given below are some of the other benefits of such a facial.

• Gold facial penetrates deeply in to the skin and has revitalizing and rejuvenating effects.

• It helps in the removal of toxins and wastes.

• Gold facial assist lymphatic drainage.

• It improves blood circulation to the face and brings a glow to the face.

• Enhanced skin elasticity is another one of the benefits of gold facial.

• Gold facial is very popular for accelerating cell renewal.

• It is touted as a product that can reverse oxidation damage.

• Gold slows down collagen depletion and the breakdown of elastin to prevent sagging skin.

• It enhances cellular growth of the basal layer to regenerate healthy, firm skin cells and provide a tightening effect.

• It reduces the fine lines and the wrinkles.

• It reduces the sun damage and age spots.

• Gold fights off damaging free radicals to help prevent premature aging of the skin.

Source :- Click Here

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