Sunday, March 13, 2011

Benefits Of Breastfeeding To You & Your Baby

The first few hours after birth are most important. The first breastfeeding should start within two hours of birth - as soon as the mother is comfortable. During early days, you may need to feed the baby every two three hours. This changes as baby grows. Exclusive breastfeeding is advised for a period of at least six months. After six months, with other foods mother can continue feeding till the age of two. As many may suggest, no massaging of breasts or nipple stretching exercises are needed during pregnancy. Apart from creating a special bonding with your little one breastfeeding has loads of health benefits.
  • It is the simplest and most economical way to feed your baby and contains the right mix of proteins, fats, sugars, water, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and antibodies for your baby.
  • It boosts your baby's immunity and protects it from diarrhoea, respiratory and ear infections.
  • Breastfed babies show a lower incidence of diabetes, obesity and allergic conditions as well as better cognitive development ( learning skills and information processing ).
  • It provides as effective birth control technique. If you are less than six months post delivery, are exclusively breastfeeding your baby ( no top feeds including water ) and haven't yet got your period, you are 98 percent protected from pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding promotes emotional bonding between you and your little one. It creates an environment closed to the womb, which comforts the baby and makes them feel secure.
Useful tips for breastfeeding
  • Both mother and baby should be in a comfortable position - the baby's body and neck should be in a straight line. Hold the baby's body close to you and at the right angle.
  • Bring the baby to the breast and not the breast to the baby.
  • Always keep the breast as empty as possible, either by frequent feeding or by pumping out the milk. This helps maintain the milk flow and prevents problems like engorgement or lumps in the breast.

Breastfeeding Tips

Every year World Health Organisation recognizes 1st to 7th August as World Breast Feeding Week. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding until a baby is six months old and continued breastfeeding with the addition of nutritious complementary foods for up to two years.

When should I start breastfeeding?
Baby should be put to the breast as soon as possible after delivery. After a normal delivery baby should ideally be breastfed within half an hour. After a Caesarean section, baby should be put to the breast as soon as the mother is comfortable.

How many times a day should I breastfeed my baby?
Babies should be fed on demand. Whenever baby is hungry, baby should be breast fed.

Is breastfeeding contraindicated in any mothers?
There are very few instances where a mother is told not to breastfeed. E.g. If a mother is on certain drugs, she should not breastfeed. Your doctor will advise you when it is unsafe to continue breastfeeding.

I have sore nipples. What should I do?
The best way to tackle sore nipples is to apply some of the mother's milk around the sore nipple. It acts as an emollient.

Is there any particular diet that a breastfeeding mother should take?
There are no specific do's and don'ts as far as diet is concerned. The mother should have a healthy high fiber diet with plenty of proteins and vitamins. Fiber is provided naturally by green leafy vegetables and fruits. Proteins are available in nuts, dals, meat and eggs. Over intake of butter and ghee is not required.

I have delivered yesterday. The milk is not enough for my baby? I want to give a top feed. Is it okay?
The initial milk which is yellowish in colour is called colostrum. Though you feel that the quantity is insufficient for the baby, it is more than enough to satisfy the baby's needs. It is extremely good for baby's general health and helps to provide long-term immunity for the baby.

Baby throws out a little milk after every feed. Should I worry?
It is absolutely normal for baby to throw up or spit a small quantity of milk after each feed. After a feed you should keep the baby upright and gently tap baby's back so that the baby may burp and bring up swallowed air.

What do I do if my child refuses to stop breastfeeding?
Occasionally, a baby refuses to stop breastfeeding. This problem can be tackled in a number of ways. The number of breastfeeds can be reduced gradually and some of the feeds can be replaced with a cup of expressed breast milk from the mother. Eventually, the expressed breast milk can be replaced with a top feed. Very often mothers use breastfeeding to soothe a crying child at night. Instead, another caregiver from the family such as the father or grandparent can soothe the child back to sleep. This may require some perseverance on the part of the mother. Many children use breastfeeding as a source of comfort when they are emotionally stressed. It is advisable to use alternate methods of comforting the child such as cuddling the child.

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