Saturday, March 12, 2011

Introduction-Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery

Almost all of us are unhappy with certain aspects of our appearances and we wish we could change it according to our wish. Almost all people (especially women) feel to remain “evergreen” through out the life with the same youthful charm and aura. Few years back, this was just a dream for most of the common people. But now, thanks to the developing technologies and recent research, one can make this dream come true by undergoing plastic/cosmetic treatments and surgeries.

The term plastic surgery is derived from the Greek word “Plastoikos” meaning to mould. Plastic surgery helps to mould any disfigured part of the body. It comprises of a number of surgical procedures with the aim to change ones physical appearance and make it more pleasing.

Plastic surgery, involving various risks, can be performed on different part of the body. However, the risk and the result associated with the surgery depend on various factors and vary from one person to another.

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