Monday, March 21, 2011
Steroids to treat asthmatic children: How safe are they?

Fatty liver 'independently increases Type 2 diabetes risk'

5 Foods good for your heart'

Fatty liver 'independently increases Type 2 diabetes risk'

Here's how you can keep your heart happy and healthy'

To exercise or not?

“India pioneers volunteer-led assessment of educational standards ”

Your ECG tread mill test may be lying about your heart '

Diet - Drug interactions in upper Gastrointestinal tract disorders

Antiboitics: When amoxylin is given without regard to food nausea and diarrhoea are common side effects.It is better to take medicine with food to reduce nausea.
Clarithromycin: when taken it may cause taste alteration nausea and diarrhoea.
Metronidezol: May cause taste alterations and no alcohol should be used during treatment if alcohol is given and for 24 hrs afterwards alcohol can react with metronidezole and result in nausea , vomiting, headache, cramps .
Antisecretary agents: Inhibit gastrophasis secretion . Citnitidine may increase formation of toxic metabollites. Nizartidine when taken with tomato based juices its potency is reduced.
Omeprazole and rebeprazole: They inhibit secretion of acids may interfere with iron absorption. When iron supplements are necessary they should be given 2 hours before or after taking protonpump inhibitors.
Dark Chocolate

The best kind of Chocolate with the highest amount of nutritional value to promote good health is Dark Chocolate. Compare to other kind of chocolates like milk chocolate, dark chocolates have more cocoa which is the key component in obtaining the health benefits. The main problem with other type of chocolates is the high sugar content, where as dark chocolate has less sugar and no milk ingredient. The main ingredients of dark chocolate are cocoa paste, cocoa butter, nonalcoholic chocolate liquor and low amount of sugar. A high quality dark chocolate doesn’t contain harmful fats, and it is a concentration of best part of the cocoa plant. The higher the percentage of cocoa in dark chocolate, the higher the antioxidants, and the greater the benefits. Antioxidants pro
tect the body from aging caused by free radicals. However, dark chocolate cannot take the place of treatments prescribed by a medical professional. It is an alternative to sweeter white chocolate.
The health benefits of dark chocolate are as follows:
- Drinking milk mixed with dark chocolate is highly beneficial in cardiovascular diseases.
- Dark chocolates help in increasing blood flow to the brain. This may be especially helpful for conditions with decreased blood flow, including dementia and stroke.
- Dark chocolate contains serotonin, which acts as an anti - depressant.
- Dark chocolate contains theobromine, caffeine and other substances which are stimulants.
- Dark chocolate stimulates endorphin production, which gives a feeling of pleasure.
- The cocoa phenols found in the dark chocolate are responsible for dark chocolates blood pressure lowering effect.
- Intake of dark chocolate increases appetite.
- Dark chocolate body massage is helpful in enhancing skin texture.
- Flavoniods present in the dark chocolate helps the body to produce more nitric oxide, responsible for relaxing the blood vessels.
- Dark chocolate contains stearic acid, a substance that helps in slow down the digestive process and keeps full for longer.
- According to research studies ,daily consumption of dark chocolate brighten the smoker̢۪s artery function within hours and lowers the risk of hardened arteries.
- Dark chocolates help in increasing blood flow to the brain. This may be especially helpful for conditions with decreased blood flow, including dementia and stroke.
Food Garnish Ideas

Food garnishing is decorating food items and drinks to them look attractive, appeal and appetizing. Garnish can also be used to add flavor and color. Appropriate food garnishes should be used for food dishes. Sometimes one who doesn’t like the particular dish because of different taste preferences even go with the dish as food garnishing attracts. Different food garnishing tools are used to chop, shred, slice etc.
• Carrots can be grated, shredded, chopped and sliced to use as garnish for different recipes which will be attractive.
• Desserts can be garnished with grated chocolates and even chocolate chips can be used. Both dark chocolate and white chocolate can be used.
• Coriander leaves can be used as garnishing specially in evening snacks such as chats. Even on rice items and curries coriander leaves can be used as garnishing.
• Melted chocolate can be used on fruits and nuts.
• Lemons and oranges can be cut out to strips, wedges and twists can be used as garnishing desserts and drinks.
• Cheese, cream and yogurt can be used as soup garnishes.
• Chopped mint leaves can be used as garnishing in vegetables curries and rice pulao.
• Grated nuts can be used on desserts.
• Sliced tomatoes, cucumber and peppers can be used as garnishing
Healthy Cooking Techniques » Cooking Techniques
- BARBECUE: To roast slowly, usually basting with highly seasoned sauce. It can be done on a stationary or rotating skewer.
- BASTE: To moisten meat or other foods while cooking by covering surface with melted fat and fruit juice or sauce.
- BATTER: A mixture of flour and water thick enough to stir and thin enough to drop from a spoon.
- BEAT: To make a mixture smooth by introducing air with a brisk regular motion.
- BRAISE: To cook slowly in a covered pan, with a small amount of liquid. can be used for meat or vegetables.
- BLEND: To mix thoroughly two or more ingredients.
- BLANCH: To partially cook vegetables in a boiling water. This may serve to soften the skins of vegetables of easier removal, or to prepare vegetables for canning or preserving.
- BOQUET GARNING: A French cooking method of trying whole herbs into a piece of cheese cloth, securing it with cotton string and using it flavor soups, sauces and other dishes.
- CANDIED: A process of cooking in a syrup or in sugar .Sometimes the syrup is kept moist and sometimes is dried and crystallized.
- CHOP: To cut to small even pieces with a knife.
- CASSEROLE: A vessel usually with a cover in which food can be baked and served.
- CHUTNEY: A curry accompaniment which may be raw or cooked made of fruit, vegetable or nuts.
- CARAMELIZE: To cook until the sugar in the food has browned, but it is not burnt. This process brings out sweetness and color in the food.
- CREAM: A method used in baking, in which sugar and butter are combined in small amounts, mixing thoroughly between additions. This method incorporates air into sugar/butter mixture and makes for a tender baked product.
- COAGULATION: To change from a fluid to a thickened jelly, clot or curd.
- CUT IN: To distribute solid fat or cheese into dry ingredients by use of pastry blender.
- DOUGH: A mixture of flour and liquid thick enough to knead or roll but too stiff to stir or pour.
- DASH: Less than 1/8 teaspoon of an ingredient.
- DOUBLE BOILER: A set of two saucepans so made that one pan can be inserted in the other to allow space between pans.
- DREDGE: To coat meat or vegetables in a dry mixture such as flour or breadcrumbs, prior to cooking.
- DEGLAZE: To pour water or wine into a hot pan where meat has been cooked. The process loosens the browned crumbs in the pan, and may provide a base for gravy or sauce.
- FLAMBE: To ignite warmed spirits in a pan of food, often a dessert, for effect, and to caramelize the dish.
- FOLD: To gently incorporate the ingredients together, usually with a scraper or spoon. Often used to blend whipped cream with other ingredients.
- GRIND: To reduce to particles by cutting or crushing.
- GRILL: To cook by direct heat.
- GLACE: To coat with a thin sugar syrup cooked to the crack stage.
- HOMOGENIZE: To break into regular sized small particles.
- HYDROGENATION: A process in which hydrogen is combined with an unsaturated compound to form a solid.
- ICING: Coating of finely ground sugar and water or white of egg for cakes.
- JULIENNE: Food cut in long thin strips.
- LUKEWARM: To heat to 95 F or when sprinkled on palm side of the wrist , will not feel warm.
- MALT: Sprouts of moist grains which have been heated, dried and ground into a flour.
- MARINATE: To make food stand in a liquid like vinegar or curd before further processing.
- MINCE: To cut or chop into very small pieces.
- MIX: To combine ingredients in any way that effects a distribution.
- MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE: A chemical added to food enhance flavor.
- PARCH: To brown by means of dry heat.
- PARE: Cut off outside covering.
- PARBOIL: To boil until partially cooked.
- POACH: To cook in hot liquid in a way that the shape of food is retained.
- PICKLE: Fruit or vegetable which is preserved in vinegar, lime or oil with salt and spices.
- PRESSURE COOKER: An airtight container for cooking food under steam pressure at a high temperature.
- SAUCE PAN: A covered cooking utensil with one handle.
- SAUTE: To brown or cook in a small amount of fat.
- SCALD: To dip food in boiling water.
- SCALLOP: To bake food with a sauce pan.
- SEAR: TO brown meat all over to create a crust, to be finished with another cooking method.
- SOLUTION: Uniform liquid blend containing a solid and a liquid.
- STIR: To mix food materials with a circular motion.
- STEEP: To allow a substance to stand in liquid.
- SKEWER: To string on wooden or metal rods for cooking.
- SEASONING: To add spices or herbs to food to provide flavor and make it more palatable.
- SHERBET: A frozen dessert composed of fruit juice or pulp, sugar and water or milk .Egg white or gelatin may be added to improve the consistency.
- STERILIZE: To destroy the microorganisms by use of high temperature with steam or boiling liquid.
- SPECIFIC GRAVITY: The weight of a volume of substance in relation gravity to the weight of an equal volume of water.
- SWEAT: To slow cook vegetable in a covered pan until they are soft, but still hold their shape. This is often done with Garlic or onions.
- TOAST: To brown by means of dry heat.
- TEMPER: To gently heat a food, often before adding it to a hotter substance. One example is adding a teaspoon or so of hot sauce to beaten eggs. The mixture is blended and then added to the sauce. This keeps the eggs from curdling. The method is also used in candy making chocolate.
- ROLLING BOIL: When a liquid is boiling and cannot be stirred down to below boiling point.
- ROUX: A mix of flour and oil together until the flour is browned. Used a s abase for cajun dishses such as gumbo.
- WARM: To raise temperature to 105- 115 F
- WHEY: The liquid residue of milk after removal of the casein and most of the fats.
- WHIP: To beat rapidly to incorporate air and produce expansion.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Children with feeding difficulties need help'

Healthy food for your eyes

Head Lice in Children

Head lice infestation is very common especially among school going children. Head lice are parasites that live by the host’s blood in the hair and head scalp and which can develop in large numbers. That is most horrifying thing about hair lice, it just few lice to make a large population.
Head lice are pretty unpleasant and most people have suffered an infestation at some point or another. Children are more likely to get them, due to contact through play and being around lots of other kids at school or at the playground. Despite being gross and a bit of nuisance, they are very common, pretty harmless.
It is mostly assumed that head lice spread from one head to another by close contact only. However, they can also spread through the sharing of items, such as a hair brush, pillow, soft toy or hat. It should be also noted that killing the lice will not solve the problem. This is because lice eggs hatch after about 7-10 days. If they are not removed the person will be re-infested.
Personal hygiene has nothing to do with the lice infestation. Symptoms of lice infestation include:
• Tickling feeling in the hair
• Frequent itching
• Sores from scratching
There are many treatments which are available now for this kind of threat. The best and safest way to start the treatment of lice in the child is through all kinds of natural remedies, like use of various essential oils, mayonnaise, vinegar, herbs and many more. Lice combs are also available which are specially made for killing lice.
Medical treatments in the form of anti-lice hair shampoos are also available in the market. Before using shampoos consult a dermatologist or a good doctor to make sure that product is safe for the child or the infested person.
In case of lice infested, it is very important to act fast and not to delay.
Effective study tips for final examination

Healthy Ears

Your ears require very little maintenance. However, since you only have two of them, here are some hints to protect and keep those two healthy:
NEVER use cotton-tipped applicators (such as Q-tips) in your ears! Cerumen, or ear wax, is natural, lubricates the canal, catches dirt particles, and naturally moves itself and debris to the outside.
If you remove the cerumen, your ears will most likely become itchy.
Using applicators in the ear canal can push the wax deeply into the canal creating even more difficult removal, scratching the canal results in infection and tear the skin of the canal with bleeding, or even perforate or tear the ear drum.
If a child observes adults using applicators in their ears, they mimic the adults, using them in their own ears -often with serious injuries!
To clean the wax:
Clean the cerumen from the outer ear canal with a moist washcloth wrapped around your finger.
Provided there is no perforation or hole in the ear drum, limited use of wax removal drops or hydrogen peroxide in the ear as well as allowing warm shower to enter the canal will help soften and remove the wax.
Avoid loud sounds:
Exposure to loud music, fireworks, firearms, motorcycles, aircraft, power tools, and other sources of loud sound may cause permanent nerve-type hearing loss - even with one exposure!
Tinnitus, or ringing in the ear, often accompanies such loss and is also often permanent.
When exposed to loud noise, always wear adequate approved ear protection.
Keep children away from such sounds; they can permanently lose their hearing, too.
Ear pain may not be due to the ear itself.
Other conditions, such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease, Eustachian tube dysfunction, tumors in the throat behind the nose, or referred pain from tumors or infections in the throat or voice box may cause pain in the ear.
If you have ear pain, see your physician or an otolaryngologist.
Recurrent ear infections or fluid in the middle ear in children can cause permanent damage to the ears and hearing.