Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Women’s health : Pregnancy after Abortion

The following are some useful tips to become pregnant after an abortion:

• If you are trying to become pregnant after an abortion, keep in mind that you should rely on a doctor’s advice about your body.

• Discuss with your doctor about when it is safe to start trying to get pregnant after an abortion.

• Be clear that you had no damage done during your abortion. A legal abortion should pose no risk to future pregnancies, unfortunately if something such as a damaged cervix occurred, you may be less likely to conceive.

• Take a healthy diet with nutritious vegetables and fruits and stop smoking, or cut down. Lower drinking habits and caffeine intake.

• Stay active and increase your vitamin intake. Take prenatal vitamins.

• In general doctors advice waiting 6 to 8 weeks after an abortion before trying to get pregnant again.

• Take a long rest after abortion and during your resting period, practice safe sex while you let your body heal.

• Start having sex frequently which increases the chance of getting pregnant after your resting period.

• Refraining from sexual activity for three to six days sometimes can actually increase sperm count, so although you should have sex often, you don’t have to worry if you have to take a break sometimes!

• Get an ovulation kit form a pharmacy which is generally inexpensive. Have sex during your ovulation time, which is generally 14 days after your last period. An ovulation kit can help you keep track of this.

• After having sex, elevate your hips and feet so that the sperm can easily reach the eggs. Do this by propping your hips up under a pillow and lying this way for at least 20 minutes.

Source :- Click Here

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